Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about soloplus? Use this FAQ to find answers!

Many common medical expenses, such as dental, prescription drugs, eyeglasses, private and semi-private hospital room accommodation and other costs are not covered by a government health insurance plan. If you do not have an employer group plan, these expenses may come out of your pocket.
  • Persons under the age of 75
  • Your spouse and/or dependent children up to age 21, or to the age of 25 if a full-time student
  • The first of the month following the date your signed coverage agreement and premium payment have been received
  • If you need to add a dependent at a later date you must notify GroupHEALTH in order for coverage to be activated
  • The date you fail to pay your premiums when due
  • The date you cease to be a Canadian resident
    30 days from the first day of the month following receipt of termination letter
  • The date a dependent no longer fits the definition of a dependent (children up to the age of 21, or to the age of 25 if a full-time student)
  • The date the applicant turns age 90 (age 80 with respect to travel insurance)
  • The date you are no longer covered by a provincial or government health care plan
  • The date of the insured individual’s death

No medical exam is required however a medical questionnaire must be completed and SSQ, Life Insurance Company Inc. reserves the right to request further medical evidence if required.

Rates vary depending on the type of plan you choose (health or health and dental). The type of coverage you choose (single, couple or family), your age, the age of your spouse (if applicable), and your province of residence.

We have two convenient payment options:

  1. Preauthorized credit card payment
  2. Preauthorized payment through your financial institution

We also offer the following Optional benefits (please contact us for details):

  • Optional critical illness
  • Optional accidental death & dismemberment
  • Optional disability
  • Total temporary disablity
  • Permanent total disablity soloplus application form
Simply present your card to your pharmacist or dentist to have your claim submitted electronically. All eligible amounts in excess of your annual deductible will be automatically covered under your program.

You can also submit paper or electronic claims. For paper claims, attach the original receipt to a completed ClaimSecure claim form. This form is available at or on the ClaimSecure eProfile site. For prompt payment, please submit the claim to ClaimSecure at the address indicated on the claim form.

Alternatively, we invite you to submit claims online using ClaimSecure’s eProfile.